Tuesday 23 October 2012

Preface To "Open Letters To Brother Zakir Naik" In Compliance With His Advice “Any Scholar Say Anything Ask Of Proof”.

                                  Author:  Abu Arif Al-Alawi


                                       In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. All Praise is due to Allah The Most High. Peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa sallam, his family and  his companions. I  thank Allah for instilling in me the courage and strength to compose this letter for the benefit of truth-seekers. Nothing is possible without His help and I pray to Him that He accepts my work. Aamin.

                          Brother Zakir Naik ! Assalamu Alaikum. Since my College life, I had been a passionate admirer of you and your dawah. Your mastery  on comparative religion exerted tremendous impact on me and I started thinking like many secular-educated youths that your dawah is above sectarianism and you are an admirable Crichton working for the unity of Muslim Ummah. However, a  circumspect  study of your books, speeches and TV programmes in consultation with Islamic Theology, has triggered a bunch of big questions  in my mind about  your dawah movement as well as  your beliefs.  In lieu of cherishing doubts and disquiets about your dawah, I deem it befitting to make direct approach to you to have these questions answered so that truth becomes manifest. If it is proved that your dogmas and creeds are based on truth and righteousness, I’ll not hesitate InshaAllah to follow your dawah in spite of the glaring reality that Ulemas of all schools of Thoughts  denounce you to be a calamity and in spite of the fact that even Ulemas belonging to Salafi Sect certify your dawah to be dawah of Shaytan . As all issues could not be unravelled in a single discourse, in this humble letter I am  picking up the key issue of your movement . Hope you will enlighten me on this issue and help me to walk along the path of life prescribed by Islam.

                       The Key Issue :   Brother Zakir Naik !  Although you and your IRF claim that comparative religion is your field, nowadays  you are heard speaking about Islamic Theology very often. You call yourself “ Ahle Sahih Hadeeth” and the basic criterion of your Movement is that  only Quran and Sahih Hadeeth  deserve to be obeyed and Scholars’  view carry no value. On the basis of this criterion, your followers inflict the fatwa of Shirk and Bidah on Ahle Sunnat Wa Zamaat and call them Grave-worshipper, Mushrik, Kafirs etc. Let me quote your speeches first to attest the motto of your movement “Ahle Sahih Hadeeth” :

                    ( 1)        Brother Zakir Naik !  You say in a program on Huda TV, “ ….anyone says anything about Deen, he should back it up with the reference  from Quran and Sahih Hadith ……any scholar after he says anything if he does not refer to these sources, whatever he says, does not carry weight….I request the people, the Muslims to ask references from their Syuookhs, and if the Suyookh gives references backed up by proof of (not clear),…the Sahih Hadith, it is the part of Deen. If it is not, then just by say, my Saykh said so and so or this great scholar said so and so, that is not sufficient to be part of Deen.” 

   (2)        Brother Zakir Naik !  You  recited part of Verse No 103 of Surah Al Imran and teanslated: "Aap Allah ki rashhi ko mazbooti se pakdo aur aapas me firqa mat banaon"(And hold fast the rope of Allah and don't be divided among yourselves). Then you questioned "Allah ki rasshhi kaun si hain"? (what is the rope of Allah?). You yourself answered: "Eh hai Allah Subhaha hu ta'la ki Qalam Quran Sharif aur Muhammad salsam ki Sahih hadith" (This is Allah Subhana hu ta'la's Qalam Holy Quran and Muhammad salsam's Sahih Hadith.) [Ref : Debate between Dr Naik and Maulana Hamid Rahmani. Mp3, dr _Zakir_ahlehadees_1. Released by www.asliahlesunnat.com]

                  (3)         Brother Zakir Naik !   You also say, “Each and everyone comes and utters Quran Hadith, Quran Hadith, Quran Hadith. I want to say, if it is required to say, I call myself Ahle Sahih Hadith because the rest of the Muslims obey Sahih Hadith, Zaif Hadith abd even Mawdoo Hadith. From early period the practice of Islam is Quran And Sahih Hadith . .(Ref : Debate between Dr Naik and Maulana Hamid Rahmani. Mp3, dr _Zakir_ahlehadees_1. Released by www.asliahlesunnat.com.)

                      (4)        Brother Zakir Naik !   You say,” Any person any Scholar say anything ask of proof……….What Zakir Naik says has no value what Allah says has value…….what I say carry no weight…..any Scholar say anything ask for proof.” [ Ref. Zakir Naik on Wasila www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSReUdbb


                 (5)  Brother Zakir Naik !  you say that  you have given more lectures in SaudiArabia than in India, which is a difficult task and needs permission and the reason  is because, you say, "because in my speech, always the reference is Quran and Saheeh Hadees." [Reference : “A Reply To Zakir Naik’s Accusations On the Ahlul Hadeeth And Highlighting some Issues of Concern”-- Courtsey: www.Zakirilogic.com Page-46]

                  So, the motto of your newly-launched sect “Ahle Sahih Hadeeth” is : “ ….anyone says anything about Deen, he should back it up with the reference  from Quran and Sahih Hadith ……any scholar after he says anything if he does not refer to these sources, whatever he says, does not carry weight…” . Brother! You don’t only say, you  also urge the Muslims to demand references from Quran and Sahih Hadeeth from the Scholars saying,” any Scholar say anything ask for proof.”  Its catastrophic consequence is,  on every issue your followers repeatedly and attackingly demand from the Ahle Sunnah people references from Quran and Sahih Hadeeth. The simple-minded common Ahle Sunnah people are taken aback by these questions and your followers start mocking and making fun of them. Allah Subhanahu Taala warns : “O ye who believe! let not some men among you laugh at others: it may be that the (latter) are better than the (former)” [ Ref : Surat Al-Hujurat [49:11] - The Noble Qur'an]

                           Brother Zakir Naik !   Now, in compliance with our request, “I request the people, the Muslims to ask references from their Syuookhs,”  and “ ….anyone says anything about Deen, he should back it up with the reference  from Quran and Sahih Hadith ……any scholar after he says anything if he does not refer to these sources, whatever he says, does not carry weight…” I am asking reference from you for the sake of truth ! My dear brother, I beg to learn from you, in which verse of Quran or in which Sahih Hadeeth this criterion is mentioned. Would you kindly reveal,  from Surah Fatiha to Surah An-Nas of Al- Quran------ in which verse Allah Almighty has instructed this criterion that except Quran and Sahih Hadeeth nothing deserve any value and that we should call ourselves “ Ahle Sahih Hadeeth ? My dear brother I beg to learn, in which Sahih Hadeeth, The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam has communicated this criterion ?

                          Brother Zakir Naik !    In support of your motto, you gave reference from Verse No. 103 of Surah Al Imran In debate with Salafi Maulana Hamid Rahmani . !  You  recited part of Verse No 103 of Surah Al Imran and teanslated: "Aap Allah ki rashhi ko mazbooti se pakdo aur aapas me firqa mat banaon"(And hold fast the rope of Allah and don't be divided among yourselves). Then you questioned "Allah ki rasshhi kaun si hain"? (what is the rope of Allah?). You yourself answered: "Eh hai Allah Subhaha hu ta'la ki Qalam Quran Sharif aur Muhammad salsam{???} ki Sahih hadith" (This is Allah Subhana hu ta'la's Qalam Holy Quran and Muhammad salsam's{???} Sahih Hadith.) [Ref : Debate between Dr Naik and Maulana Hamid Rahmani. Mp3, dr _Zakir_ahlehadees_1. Released by www.asliahlesunnat.com]   My dear brother,  This blessed verse  (No. 103 of Surah Al Imran) means “And hold fast the rope of Allah and don't be divided among yourselves” and does not specify that the rope of Allah is Al Quran and Sahih Hadeeth.  It is you who made the addition  that “the rope of Allah” is “Allah Subhana hu ta'la's Qalam Holy Quran and Muhammad salsam's Sahih Hadith”. My dear brother, in which verse of Al Quran or in which sahih Hadeeth of Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him it is particularized that the rope of Allah is “Allah Subhana hu ta'la's Qalam Holy Quran and Muhammad salsam's Sahih Hadith”? As per your own instruction and in order to learn truth we are humbly asking proof from you. One may question, is there any serious reason of being concerned about this issue ?  Yes, there are overwhelming reason for being concerned because it is the issue on the basis of which Muslims across the globe are called grave –worshippes, Mushriks and Kafirs,  fatwas of shirk and bidat are imposed indiscriminately on the Muslims and youths are quarrelling, abusing and fighting each other. In every issue, demands are made , “ Show reference from Quran and Sahih Hadeeth, Quran and Sahih Hadeeth, Quran and saheeh Hadeeth” and as a consequence Muslim Ummah are on the brink of Civil war. So, this issue needs to be sorted out at the earliest beacause we have to find out ways to restore peace, harmony and co-operation. Brother Zakir Naik !    I am not ashamed in admitting the truth that my knowledge  on Quran and Hadeeth Literature is very poor and I want to learn from you. I Hope you will provide reference and proof in support of your motto . I’ll  wait for your answer passionately and I assure you that once you provide reference from Quran and saheeh Hadeeth in support of your movement Ahle Sahih Hadeeth and on your motto that, “ ….anyone says anything about Deen, he should back it up with the reference  from Quran and Sahih HadithInshaAllah I’ll start following your dawah at once. But if you fail to back up your movement and motto with reference from Quran and Sahih Hadeeth, I would respectfully appeal you to make tawba. Allah Subhanahu Taala says in The Holy quran : Allah Almighty warns : “ Do you order righteousness to mankind and forget yourselves whereas you read the Book? Then, have you no sense”[ 2: 25]

Brother Zakir Naik! Now Let Us Demand References From You!

                       Brother Zakir Naik! Now I would present in my letter a bunch of issues propagated  by you which appear to be without reference from Quran and Sahih Hadeeth  and this is against the decisive principle of your Movement “ Ahle Sahih Hadeeth” and your motto “I request the people, the Muslims to ask references from their Syuookhs,”  and “ ….anyone says anything about Deen, he should back it up with the reference  from Quran and Sahih Hadith ……any scholar after he says anything if he does not refer to these sources, whatever he says, does not carry weight…” These issues will also enable us to measure the strength of some brothers’ long claim that you teach and discuss everything from Quran and sahih Hadeeth. Brother Zakir Naik! They call you “ Allamatul Musleemin” ( Only  Allah knows from which verse of Al Quran or from  which Sahih Hadeeth they have got this title!).  Each and everyone of these people considers himself Muhaddis and Mufassir . On every issue these fatwa-masters demand  Quran and Sahih Hadeethes’ references from others and impose the fatwa of Shirk and Bidah on them. The butcher, the baker and the candlestickmaker all are Muhaddises or Mufassirs ! These  Muhaddises or Mufassirs are so unique in their knowledge on Al Quran and Hadeeth, when they are asked to come out with a single hadeeth with its complete chain of narrations , they are at a loss. To be honest, most of them can’t even read the Kalima Tayiba properly ! These pugnacious, bellicose and offensive armchair critics can’t tolerate the slightest criticism of you and  don’t hesitate to call Muslims Zahil, Mushriks , Bidatis etc. Brother Zakir Naik! Now, we would cross-examine your own teachings in the light of your own movement, motto and criterion of Ahle Sahih Hadeeth. These issues can be divided into three categories:

                        Firstly, Brother Zakir Naik!    There are some crucial issues on which you furnished reference but these references appear to be lie. Even some references attributed to Quran and Hadeeth appear to be lie.   I’ll be beside myself with pleasure if you can prove that these references provided by you are authentic and not lie. But if they are proved lie, I am reminding you severe warning of Allah Subhanahu Taala and His beloved Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him . Allah, The Most High, says, "O you who believe! keep your duty to Allah and speak straight, true words." (Holy Quran 33:70). Allah, The Most High, says, "On the Day of Judgement will thou see those who told lies against Allah;- their faces will be turned black: is there not in Hell an abode for the Haughty?" (Az-Zummar: 60). The  Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam said,, "A lie about me is not the same as a lie about someone else: whoever intentionally lies about me shall take a place for himself in Hell.” (Al-Bukhari and Ahmad)

                       Secondly,  Brother Zakir Naik!    There are certain crucial issues regarding Aqidah and Fiqh on which you did not furnish any reference from Quran and Sahih Hadeeth and these issues taught by you  appear to be against the basic spirit of Islam and have become apple of discord among Muslims. Scholars say, these issues taught by you are terribly harmful to one’s iman. Brother Zakir Naik!  You have to kindly provide references on these issues.
                          Thirdly,  Brother Zakir Naik!   There are some issues which are not related with Aqidah and Fiqh  and answers given by you on these issues do not appear to be objectionable. But the moot point is that they do not contain any proof  from Quran and Sahih Hadeeth . Brother Zakir Naik!    My humble question to you is, do these answers given by you carry any value as  You say, “Any person any Scholar say anything ask of proof” and that “ What Zakir Naik says has no value what Allah says has value…” ?  I’ll wait for your verdict whether these issues discussed by you are acceptable or not.  If you give verdict that these issues are acceptable, my appeal to you, please do mention-- on which yardstick? Allah Subhanahu Taala  Warns in The Holy Quran : “ Do you order righteousness to mankind and forget yourselves whereas you read the Book? Then, have you no sense”[ 2: 25]

                         Brother Zakir Naik!  Now InshaAllah we’ll present our cross-examinations  one by one. If you can prove that we have quoted from your speeches / books  anything false or we have deliberately suppressed the proofs provided by you on the concerned topics, we shall InshaAllah admit it and make corrections. If you fail to prove us wrong or to back up your views and beliefs with Quran and Sahih Hadeeth , please just confess it. This is not the issue of my victory or defeat. This is the issue of truth and falsehoos. This is the issue of unity of Muslim Ummah. Brother, let us please work for the unity of Muslim Ummah.



[ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED :  This writing is taken from Abu Arif Al Alawi's "An Open Letter To Brother Zakir Naik Demanding Reference On His Claim That 25 Quranic Verses say Shifa Or wasila Is Haram". 

The author holds copyrights on this work. Materials may only be used with proper attribution. Please Contact us if you wish to sponsor the printing of a book for the EsaaleSawaab of the marhooms in your family. Sponsor the printing of a book and send the sawaab to your marhoom family members. This is Sawaab-e-Jaariyah and a means of educating the Ummat . Email- abuarifalalawi63@gmail.com 

                        One may download the entire book ""An Open Letter To Brother Zakir Naik Demanding Reference On His Claim That 25 Quranic Verses say Shifa Or wasila Is Haram" fromhttp://islamicresearchmission.blogspot.in/2012/10/an-open-letter-to-brother-zakir-naik.html]

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